Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
South Wales & West Branch

Eddystone Lighthouse, Plymouth

Corporate Support

As the professional body to the commercial shipping industry, ICS is well placed to promote professional standards in shipping worldwide.

It has a pivotal role to play in supporting companies with the professional development of their staff.  By far the most efficient way to achieve this support is for the ICS to work closely with companies to engage specifically with their training needs.

Coupled with this, ICS offers a range of 'ready to use' programmes.  Whether your company is looking to outsource its professional development requirements, a highly specialised internal training programme, or a combination of the two, the ICS have a range of products and services that can help.

Further, we are happy to work with you on any new initiatives or programmes you have in mind.

We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt our products and services to help with company and industry initiatives.  With a global reach, an eye for quality, and a not for profit policy, the ICS is the ideal partner for your professional development project.