Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
South Wales & West Branch

Barbara Fletcher retires for the second occasion

The Outgoing Branch Chairman Gabriel Jug & the New Chairman, Jonathan Challacombe with Barbara Fletcher on her 2nd retirement at the recent AGM.

At our recent AGM Barbara Fletcher retired from active involvement with the Branch. Having said that this is her second retirement from Institute life.

At our recent AGM Barbara Fletcher retired from active involvement with the Branch. Having said that this is her second retirement from Institute life.  As some readers will be aware Barbara has had long and influential association with the Institute.

Whilst Barbara joined the head office team as Director of Education in 1987, having previously held the position of Vice Principal at the London School of Foreign Trade.  Her association with the Institute goes back even further as she was key player in establishing our “in house” Tutorship Correspondence College.

In 1994 Barbara succeeded John Parker as Secretary and then Director of the Institute. The Institute is a membership organisation and like any other it is only as good as its leadership.  Barbara was a leader in the true sense, she led from the front. She was enthusiastic in setting herself/the Institute goals and with the support of several Chairmen/Controlling Council she set about raising the profile of the Institute, not just at home but overseas.  One Chairman said she was the only person he knew who could delegate upward!

At the recent meeting of Controlling Council an overseas representative referred to her as “the iron lady”!  A clear reference to Lady Thatcher - would Barbara feel that was a compliment? Well you had better ask her that question at the Annual Dinner.

Barbara retired in 2001 and moved from London to Boston in Lincolnshire,   she moved to Devon in 2010 and joined the Branch in 2011. She has served on the Management Committee ever since and has represented the Branch on Controlling Council for the past three years.

In her second retirement Barbara will be spending her time enjoying her many hobbies, music, reading, painting, photography and playing tennis.   

Thank you Barbara, enjoy your retirement - it’s compulsory!